Registered Commingled Funds

Aetos offers strategy-specific commingled hedge funds of funds (“Aetos Funds”), which are SEC-registered closed-end investment companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940. We create customized portfolios for clients by tactically allocating to the Aetos Funds in order to accommodate specific exposure, return and volatility targets.

Aetos is an SEC-registered investment adviser and serves as investment adviser to SEC-registered 1940 Act funds. Such registrations do not imply in any manner whatsoever that Aetos or the Aetos Funds have been sponsored, recommended, or approved, or that their abilities or qualifications have in any respect been passed upon by the United States or any agency or any office thereof. Prospective investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, and the charges and expenses of the Aetos Funds carefully before investing. A free copy of the prospectus containing this and other information may be obtained by calling 212-201-2500. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.